If you didn’t know before, there aren’t many serial entrepreneurs in the world. There aren’t many “successful” serial entrepreneurs in the world either who have excelled in their respective avenues. However, when talking about top entrepreneurs globally, the name Elicko Taieb is bound to come up. He has surpassed all barriers to becoming one of the leading business figures in the US. He operated tons of businesses across a variety of industries.

He has created a name for himself in industries like CBD, real estate, and electronic cigarettes. He also offers brand marketing and business consultancy services on top of his enterprises. But when comparing his excellence and business prowess to other business leaders, you will rarely find the same qualities.

Eli Taieb established two e-cig companies in the industry, which were quite profitable compared to the competitors at the time. Read on to learn how Elicko turned new startups around and helped them become game-changers in the e-cig industry. 

Elicko Taieb And His Progress with Smoking Everywhere

None of the two businesses mentioned here were leading the industry when Elicko Taieb wasn’t present. It was due to his business skills and marketing expertise that the companies got in line with growing electronic cigarette trends. Smoking Everywhere wasn’t a real business but rather a concept that Eli derived after watching the global consumption of e-cigs. 

He saw that the US market had gaps in the supply and demand of e-cigs. Seeing this opportunity, he quickly came up with the idea to start Smoking Everywhere. 

His understanding of growing market demands brought in profits during the heyday of Smoking Everywhere. His firm was a huge success, especially after the legal court case against the FDA, which Eli won. As a result, the company’s e-cig products became permissible for widespread use across the US. Eli’s understanding of the market was making his company a major e-cig producer in the US. However, he soon moved his interests to another growing field that required help after seeing the existing company succeed exponentially.

Elicko Taieb’s Progress with Vaporin

Eli Taieb applied his business skills to develop another idea after the incredible success of Smoking Everywhere. He co-founded Vaporin by partnering up with another business leader in the industry. Eli’s goal was to make Vaporin the frontier of the vaporizer industry. He would do that by becoming the major distributor and marketer of vaporizers, tanks, and similar products. 

Elicko Taieb didn’t plan on staying in the electronic cigarette industry for long. However, he was keen on making the best of his efforts at the time. Eli’s investments earned him significant returns when Vaporin started retailing products through conventional as well as online stores.


Normal people in business and serial entrepreneurs struggle with business ventures in their respective industries. On the other hand, Eli Taieb finds the most profitable and successful potential-carrying ideas in multiple industries. Anf through his creative genius, he has truly earned the name serial entrepreneur. 

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